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Dealing Effectively with Depression


Urban lifestyle has a lot of advantages but certain disadvantages cannot be overlooked. The strict timelines, the unhealthy eating habits, dependency on junk food, health hazards, unstable relationships and rising stress levels are some of the common disadvantaged. All of these factors leave very less time for self development and contribute to depression. Depression is rising at an alarming rate. This year the focus of the world Health Organization is on depression and it was officially announced on World Health Day. This phenomenon is seen more in cities and urban areas and can affect anyone from a teenager to an old person.


In Depression continuous feeling of hopelessness and loss of self esteem can lead to many physical and behavioral changes. One can experience changes in sleep patterns, in appetite, low energy levels and lack of concentration. One can also experience suicidal thoughts.

Common types of Depression are as follows:

Major Depression, Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Psycho Somatic Disorder, Postpartum Depression, Situational Depression.

A few effective Ways to deal with this deadly disorder are as follows:

Fall back on a support group-

It is very important to talk to people around and let them know of the changes experienced. Talking openly about it and asking for help is a sign of strength and sets on a path to faster recovery. There are many support groups as well where the members meet on a scheduled time and are encouraged to open up and talk.

Schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist-

Persistent low feeling can be due to many reasons but if it stays for long enough and starts to interfere in daily life then one must see a specialist as soon as possible. Only then one can be sure of suffering from the disorder and can start the treatment as prescribed. The treatment can involve oral pills and therapy or a combination of both.

Get some sun-

It is very important to get up early in the morning so that a routine can be regulated and the required hormones can be released. Also the sunlight is a good source of vitamin and minerals and improved the density of the bones. Also getting up early morning makes you become calm and instil positivity in the mind.

Get moving-

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body is a fact. It is very important to do physical exercise. However it must be done in a slow and proper manner with correct breathing sequence. Yoga works wonders in healing depression. Walking increases the release of happy hormones.

Calm the mind-

Scientific research proves that significant changes occur in the brain when one practices meditation. Any method of meditation can be followed but must be done at least for thirty minutes. This is soothing for the mind and clearing the clutter in the mind. Meditation also strengthens the mind.

One can deal with depression in a hassle free manner if one takes charge of life. It is important to follow the doctors’ advice and make positive changes in the lifestyle.

Talk to Stranger

Image by David Goymer (cc)

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