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Ask These Questions To Know About Someone

relationship questions, partner questions, first date questions, advice for women, advice for men

Knowing someone in detail is the primary step in any relationship. If you are interested in someone and thinking about a relationship with someone, it is necessary to spend some time to know more about the person. Ask questions on various aspects of their lives so that you can know them more. Superficially knowing a person may not help in going forward with a relationship.


Know More About The Person

You also need to know the person in detail to decide whether to go on with the relationship. It is necessary to know the personal interests of the person which include the person they have special interest to take for lunch. You can ask about the topics the person has interest in.


Moreover, you can ask about the object that the person value the most in life, the accomplishments in their lives and the crazy things they do to have fun in life. You can also ask about the bucket list, the kind of life they would like to choose, the irrational fear they have and the way they handle negative emotions.

Ask About Dream Lifestyle

Questions and gathering information about the lifestyle of the individual who you have interest in can give their deeper concerns. You can also ask about their ideal vacation and also the place they find perfect to live. This can give an insight to what kind of life and vacations fascinate them and you can match it with your dreams to understand how well the things match between you.

Ask About Family

Asking about their family, the parents and siblings can give you an idea about the background of the person. Knowing the background of the person you are interested in can give you an insight to whether it matches with your lifestyle for smooth coexistence.

Know About The Job

It is necessary to know about what your prospective partner is doing for a living. If you can see your future with the person, you need to know whether it will work out as per plans. Moreover, there is no point in considering someone who is in a profession that you do not like or something that does not go with your career.

If your dreams and passion conflicts with the career of the person you are interested in, it is a clear sign that things may go wrong in sometime but if you are looking for a short term fling, it will work for you irrespective of the career.

There are people who may not be fine to be with people who will have to stay away for a long time as part of their profession. Knowing the profession of the person you have interest in can be an aid in making your decisions. However, there are couples who live happily above all these concerns.

Know About The Relevance Of Relationship

You need to ask the person you are interested in about the qualities he/she likes and hates in the opposite sex, the things he/she lovse to share with the partner. You can also ask about infidelity and the major priorities in a relationship. These kinds of information helps you understand what a relationship means to the person. Moreover, it gives you clarity on whether you are on the same page with the individual.

Know About Hobbies & General Perspectives

Being in relationship with someone who share similar interests, hobbies and views with you can make the relationship more meaningful. You can ask the person about the books they like, the genre of music or movies they have interest in and also the sports they love to play and watch. Moreover, knowing about political and religious views can also help you going forward with the relationship.