Dating Tips

Way to Communicate on Jealousy Trait of Your Partner

way to communicate, jealousy, Love and Hate, relationships, friendships, personal development

Jealousy is a combination of love and hate, as envious people are consumed by their own passion. The emotion of jealousy is bothersome for others but self-immolating for the one who does it. It’s a natural emotion that spoils the relationships. Find the way out of it by talking about jealousy.


Jealousy Explained

Jealousy is normally referred to the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, built-in fear, and a comparative gesture for something that others have but you don’t. Jealousy comprises a set of emotions such as annoyance, hatred, frustration for inadequacy, or helplessness.
Basically, this emotion is observed, when your partner seems too close to someone or on the relative lack of possessions.


Jealousy has a darker side that could spoil the normalcy in your life and terminate your love-life. Its impact is far reaching on careers, friendships, and personal development.


If jealousy is making dents in your relationship, it’s the time to talk and find solution to end it. Do not ignore it, instead open all the lines of communication. Reaching to the crux of the problem could only be possible through constructive arguments.

Possible Infidelity Angle

The jealousy is a universal story of the envious feelings towards that possible despicable ‘third’ person. If partner hangs out with someone from opposite sex, a feeling of bitterness and hatred crops up in partner. The source of jealousy is often insecurity and you need to talk to end this insecurity. Reaffirm your love towards your life partner and assure that there is nothing black in the pot.

The trust for each other develops like a house built systematically brick by brick over the time. However, the jealousy brings with it a toxic situation that is hardly ever confessed, discussed or pinpointed. Your partner’s acts speak for it, in shape of melodramatic situations. Here, your relations with your best friend would not be challenged as much as your dedication towards your partner.

The experts suggest, you must start the normal conversation with love & smile for handling this situation. Then move over deftly to the main point, telling your partner that lately you are noticing a distinct change in behavior, especially in context to your friendships.
Do not offend your partner by using jealous word in your conversation. Ask about your friend and listen keenly what your partner has to say.

Next you must ask for your partner’s concerns about your friendship. Then analyze, is it a suspicion or a reaction, or just make believe thinking. Mind it, when things would unfold, jealously would be replaced by trust, when one by one you would try to influence your partner with your truthfulness.

Jealousy for other people’s success and material assets

There are people who have hyper emotions of jealousy from the childhood. At school, the one with this trait feels jealous of fellow students and peers for their good grades, sporty achievements, and other activities. Then this jealousy becomes part of their nature, as they start feeling jealous on just about everything, such as neighbor’s new car, their happiness, lovely partner, house, and career.

So much so, they land up having a very low-esteem and acquire a toxic nature. This jealousy is hard to leave their side. You can only try to convince your partner by saying, forget what’s going around us, just focus on where we stand. Of course, it’s easier said than done.

Now when you would consult experts, the psychologists would suggest few modules to study and identify the jealousy issue. The sociologists would categorize jealousy along with cultural beliefs and values. The biologists would pinpoint some health issues behind this trait. However, nobody but you only can find a satisfactory solution.